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Prioritizing the value of human capital
Established in 2018, The Global Institute of Human Resources Direcotrs ("GIHRD") is a non-profit making organization establsihed in Hong Kong. The prime objectives of GIHRD are to work with senior human resources professionals in Hong Kong to equip youth with skills that can help transform their lives and living better. Our foremost goals are to help them grow, glow and be independent so as to influence positively to their neighbors, families and socieites for betterment and progression year after years.
全球人力資源董事學會(“GIHRD”)成立於2018年,是一家在香港成立的非牟利組織,學會GIHRD的主要目標是與香港的資深人力資源專業人士合作,為年輕人提供生涯技能支持,職業規劃與發展, 幫助他們改變生活和使他們生活得更美好。 我們的首要目標是支持他們成長,發光和獨立,從而對他們的鄰居,家庭和社會產生積極影響,從而年復一年地讓社會改善和進步。
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